
Edi Rama

  • 2012
  • JRP | Ringier
  • 60.00€

In the “Creating Space Where Appears To Be None/Inversion” drawing series, Anri Sala (ed.) starts from Rama's drawings to develop his own counterpoint. He filters the colors, forms, and lines using dissolver solutions to crystallize and transfer them into new drawings, which echo those of Rama while mirroring them. The drawings are accompanied by four one-to-one conversations between Edi Rama and Michael Fried, Philippe Parreno, Marcus Steinweg, and Erion Veliaj.

Edi Rama (born 1964 in Tirana) is an artist and politician from Albania who, following the collapse of Communism, became involved with the first democratic movements. He left Albania for France in 1994 and lived there as an artist, participating in different exhibitions and biennales. He returned to Albania in 1998 and became Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports from 1998 to 2000, and Mayor of Tirana from 2000 to 2011. Since 2005 Rama has been the leader of the Socialist Party of Albania—the largest party in Albania—and head of the opposition.

Published by JRP | Ringier
Texts by Michael Fried, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Philippe Parreno, Edi Rama, Aleksandr Rodchenko, Anri Sala, Marcus Steinweg, Erion Veliaj
384 pages (183 color and 21 b&w illustration)
31 x 32 cm
Trilingual: English / French / Spanish


Edi Rama
