The passage of time is flicking dimly upon the screen;

I can't see the lines I used to think I could read between.

Perhaps my brains have turned to sand.


Several times I've seen the evening slide away.

Watching the signs taking over from the fading day.

Perhaps my brains are old and scrambled ...

Several times I've seen the evening slide away.

Watching the signs taking over from the fading day.

Changing water into wine...

Several times I've seen the evening slide away.

Watching the signs taking over from the fading day.

Putting grapes back on the vine...

- Brian Eno, Golden Hours in Another Green World

Quand le temps et l'espace se distordent, la perception se sublime, ou la catastrophe se révèle... Nouées entre souvenirs et potentiels devenirs, résonances mémorielles et utopies désamorcées, les oeuvres réunies pour I'm dreaming about a reality évoquent autant de possibilités que de désillusions ; des rêves prémonitoires, des illuminations prodigieuses ou des cauchemars éveillés. Et voir peu à peu les objets de notre quotidien se transfigurer, nos présences humaines s'évaporer.
