
马塞尔·布达埃尔, 托尼·克拉格, 亚伯拉罕·克鲁兹威⼒⼽斯, ⼤卫·杜阿尔, 罗伯特·菲利欧, 伊萨·根茨肯, ⻙德·盖顿, 托⻢斯·赫塞豪恩, 雷·约翰逊, 让-吕克·穆列内, 卡罗尔·拉玛, 克莱⻔特·罗杰斯基, 库尔特•施维特斯, 瑞娜·斯鲍林斯, 沃尔夫冈·提尔曼斯, 梁慧圭, 海默·佐伯尼格

  • 2018
  • Galerie Chantal Crousel
  • 15.00€

This publication was created on the occasion of the exhibition ReCycle at Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris (March 10 - April 21, 2018).

“For I consider it vitally important that in the end an entire life with all its aspirations can be viewed in its entirety, that nothing gets lost, not even what was wrong or dull.”
— Kurt Schwitters, 1927

ReCycle, a reflexion on the power of  recycling objects, bringing together a selection of works by seventeen compelling artists, created between 1942 and 2017.
The exhibition traces the history of assemblage and the potential of recycling from Kurt Schwitters’ pioneering work, to the artists who have been articulating this practice through the 80s and until today. It does not only involve the idea of bringing new sense to everyday life material, but also investigates the relationship these artists express with the adopted objects.

马塞尔·布达埃尔, 托尼·克拉格, 亚伯拉罕·克鲁兹威⼒⼽斯, ⼤卫·杜阿尔, 罗伯特·菲利欧, 伊萨·根茨肯, ⻙德·盖顿, 托⻢斯·赫塞豪恩, 雷·约翰逊, 让-吕克·穆列内, 卡罗尔·拉玛, 克莱⻔特·罗杰斯基, 库尔特•施维特斯, 瑞娜·斯鲍林斯, 沃尔夫冈·提尔曼斯, 梁慧圭, 海默·佐伯尼格
