Photo: Jiayun Deng — Galerie Chantal Crousel
The first monograph dedicated to Mimosa Echard, Mauve Dose provids a comprehensive presentation of the work realized by the artist at the Maternity of the Geneva University Hospitals for a public commission of the Fonds cantonal d'art contemporain of Geneva (FCAC). This large-scale mural composed of colored ceramic tiles is set up in the maternity's both courtyards. There, it works as a link between healthcare role, fertility issues, birth and care of the newborns, and the logic of chemical and biological processes tying the inside of the body to the outside world. The publication iconography gathers a visual preparatory documentation and views of the artwork in the making, and four essays contributing to a technical, historical, scientific and esthetic reading of it.
Texts by Paul Bernard, Christian Gonzenbach, Pierre-Henri Gouyon, Romain Noël
Published by the Cantonal Fund for Contemporary Art (FCAC), Geneva
Bilingual: French and English
Softcover, 30 x 23,2 cm, 108 pp. (color ill.)
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Mimosa Echard
Mauve Dose