I'm dreaming about a reality

Group exhibition

February 22nd — April 12th, 2013

The passage of time is flicking dimly upon the screen;

I can't see the lines I used to think I could read between.

Perhaps my brains have turned to sand.


Several times I've seen the evening slide away.

Watching the signs taking over from the fading day.

Perhaps my brains are old and scrambled ...

Several times I've seen the evening slide away.

Watching the signs taking over from the fading day.

Changing water into wine...

Several times I've seen the evening slide away.

Watching the signs taking over from the fading day.

Putting grapes back on the vine...

- Brian Eno, Golden Hours in Another Green World


When time and space twist, perception rarefies, or disaster steps forward… Knotted between memories and potential futures, memory resonances and unarmed utopias, the pieces assembled for I'm dreaming about a reality evoke endless possibilities and disillusions: premonitions, prodigious illuminations, waking nightmares. Gradually, we see everyday items transfigured and our human presence flits away.


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