Mimosa Echard

Sluggy Me

June 26th — September 26th, 2021
Collection Lambert - Avignon — France

After a first appearance at the Collection Lambert during the 2020 edition of the Festival Viva Villa! Mimosa Echard returns to Avignon in the summer of 2021 for a solo show. She will take over the 600 square metres of the first floor of the Hotel de Montfaucon for a brand-new site-specific installation.

Sheep skin, cherry stones, glass beads, sequins, chestnut flowers, Clitoria ternateaflowers, newspaper cuttings, synthetic scarf, lycra, lacquer, acrylic, gloss – the elements that make up the artworks of Mimosa Echard mingle and rub together, absorb and dissolve each other, fight, live and die in a single suspended instant; in such a way that the compositions imagined by the artist seem to appear in just one of their possible states, as if captured in transition. These associations of materials, substances, or potions extracted from worlds that time and space seemed to have separated definitively in our minds, resonate with the Statementby Lawrence Weiner that greets the visitor in the courtyard of the Hotel de Caumont – LEAD TIN AND MERCURY ROASTED TILL READY. 

At the sight of these works, we start to feel a strange desire for this sophisticated entertainment where the organic, the artificial and the wild intertwine with one another in hybrid and troubling forms, where we are offered a vision of the world that is as terrifying as it is elegant. 

Witchcraft, New Age syncretism, DIY punk, and cyber-resistance also feed into these deeply embedded narratives that reveal an almost erotic obsession for the catastrophe brought about by the air-conditioned nightmare and establish themselves with unheard jubilation as the mythical and real contestations of the space that we live in.


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