Haegue Yang

The Cone of Concern

October 8th, 2020 — February 28th, 2021
MCAD - Manille — Philippines

The Cone of Concern, refers to a graphic tool for weather forecasting which especially traces the path of an oncoming storm or tropical depression. By overlaying circles on areas that could possibly be in the range of effect or path of a hurricane, cyclone or typhoon, resulting in a graphic image of a cone, one can try to anticipate which geographical mass will be affected in the coming days. What we learn from this forecasting modeling graphic is that the further we travel towards the future, the more our ability to predict it becomes uncertain. This fundamental view found in chaos theory proposes that the degree of uncertainty increases exponentially within the parameters that dictate our future against our civilizational will. This system built to predict the path of a typhoon presents how the human will attempts to confront the nature of natural phenomena. The artistic proposal in the midst of this constellation is to draw out the metaphoric towards the notion of solidarity amongst those of us facing difficult circumstances, and with human imagination, understand our very own condition in the universe.

Haegue Yang often pairs exhibitions in secret by having certain elements flow seamlessly from one exhibition to another despite geo-political differences and seemingly irrelevant or remote circumstances. Similar to the idea of chaos theory, this method draws attention to how things are connected through commonly shared uncertainties and concerns. In this case, Yang has paired Haegue Yang: The Cone of Concern at MCAD with The Cone of Uncertainty at The Bass, Miami Beach, Florida, last year. The two exhibitions allude to weather-specific phenomena that hugely concern the regions and their populations where both institutions are located. As an outsider, Yang sees the possibility of collaboration and a sense of community being built around difficulties faced together.


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