Haegue Yang

Le Jardin : Incantation – Incarnation

FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France
April 5th — September 22nd, 2024

Haegue Yang, Incantations – Entwinement, Endurance and Extinction, 2022 (detail). Photo: Sebastiano Pellion Di Persano.

In the indoor garden designed by Uriel Barthélémi, European and exotic plants, an array of acoustic instruments and custom-made modular synthesizers are harmoniously combined within a mural created by Haegue Yang.

Haegue Yang's wallpaper
Incantations - Entwinement, Endurance and Extinction (2022) comes from an intriguing intersection of shamanic practices and contemporary artistic roles. In response to Barthélémi's installation, the artist suggests how plant worlds and the human mind interact and construct new knowledge, in the manner of the shaman who was a civilizational mediator between humanity and unknown sacred worlds.

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