José María Sicilia

Gallery Weekend Beijing

Gallery Weekend Beijing, Building A08, floor 3, 798 Art District, Beijing, China
June 24th — July 24th, 2022

José María Sicilia, exhibition view, Gallery Weekend Beijing, China (2022). Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris. Photos: Yan Hao. © José María Sicilia/ADAGP, Paris (2022).

Galerie Chantal Crousel is pleased to present a selection of works by the artist José María Sicilia at Gallery Weekend Beijing.

José María Sicilia is one of the most significant representatives of Spanish painting emerging in the 1980s with a young generation of artists interested in materiality in painting. His works deal with the relations of beings to one another and to their physical surroundings and thus draw what João Fernandes calls an “ecology of the world,” as an endeavor to unravel the mysteries of our universe.

The title of his latest series, Ninfosis, is revelatory. Describing the transformation process of an insect into a nymph, it also defines Sicilia’s pictorial oeuvre: works which carry an inner energy, a mysterious and beautiful life of their own.

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