Tarek Atoui

The Rain

Art Sonje Center, Seoul, South Korea
November 3rd, 2023 — January 21st, 2024

Tarek Atoui, The Rain, exhibition view, Art Sonje Center, Seoul, South Korea (2023). Photo: Ahina.

Tarek Atoui presents a large-scale solo exhibition within South Korea titled The Rain. It offers a unique fusion of Korean traditional percussion instruments and electronic soundscapes.

Atoui’s journey began in 2019 when he embarked on a research expedition to South Korea. During this exploration, he developed a profound fascination with Korean traditional culture, extending his interest beyond instruments to include ceramics, porcelain, hanji (traditional Korean paper), weaving, and more. Through collaborations with artisans, craftsmen, and scholars, he has created instruments and forms that reflect his distinctive artistic style.

The exhibition
transforms the museum space into a captivating new soundscape, inviting visitors to explore sound through a variety of sensory experiences.

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