Mona Hatoum

Mona Hatoum - The 10th Hiroshima Art Prize

Established in 1989 by the City of Hiroshima, site of the first atomic bombing in human history, the Hiroshima Art Prize aims to appeal to a wider world about the “Spirit of Hiroshima,” which seeks everlasting world peace, through contemporary art. The prize is awarded once every three years, and comprises an exhibition at the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art.

This exhibition, Hatoum’s first comprehensive solo show in Japan, will introduce both important works from the past as well as new works that the artist created after accepting the prize and visiting Hiroshima. With new works that make reference to Hiroshima, this exhibition promises to inspire further universal concern over one of the most tragic events in human history.

Auteurs : Edward W. Said, Patricia Falguières, Motoko Suhama
Édité par le Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art
Conception graphique : Rie Shimoda
Couverture souple, 18,2 x 24 cm, 183 pages
Bilingue : Japonais / Anglais

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Mona Hatoum
Mona Hatoum - The 10th Hiroshima Art Prize
