
The Reverse Collection / The Reverse Sessions

Texts Vincent Normand, André Vida; with a conversation between Tarek Atoui, Andrea Lissoni, and Catherine Wood

This publication, itself a reversed object, retraces Tarek Atoui’s multidisciplinary interventions, events, concerts, and workshops that condensed into The Reverse Sessions, a project that unfolded in three stages at the Dahlem Museum during the last Berlin Biennale, and at kurimanzutto in Mexico City. The Reverse Sessions followed the genesis of sound making, from museum objects not intended to be played (Dahlem Sessions), to scores composed after those sounds, to instruments created to perform those very scores. Over the summer of 2016, Atoui’s makeshift instruments were activated again at Tate Modern, for The Reverse Collection.

Lebanese-born sound artist Tarek Atoui is known for his exploration of performance as a complex, open, and dynamic process. His ongoing reflections on the notion of the musical instrument have led him to investigate the history of classical Arab music and to collaborate with a school for the deaf to learn how students hear and perceive sound. By traversing such a wide range of fields, he constantly changes roles, shifting from performer to computer programmer, from researcher to artistic director.

Designed by Goda Budvytyte.

80 pages
30 x 21 cm, softcover

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The Reverse Collection / The Reverse Sessions
