Galerie Chantal Crousel is pleased to announce the launch of its podcast series Swear That You’ll Play, a follow-up to the eponymous publication celebrating the gallery’s 40th anniversary’s released last year.

Each episode of the series is built around a conversation between Chantal Crousel, Niklas Svennung and one of the artists of the gallery, or a travelling companion – such as a writer, a curator, or a collector. Over the course of the series, the podcasts bring forth a rarely heard oral history of Galerie Chantal Crousel and help illuminate the work and role of an art gallery, the singularity of its relationship to artists and to the public. Swear That You’ll Play tells the story of a profession driven by encounters, strong beliefs and commitments, which is lived as a collective adventure that is as much artistic, as it is intellectual and political.

Rirkrit Tiravanija, Thomas Hirschhorn, Oscar Tuazon, Tarek Atoui and Danh Vo are the first guests of this series of conversations, which were recorded and moderated by French writer Thomas Boutoux. The four episodes are available on the gallery's website and on all podcast platforms. To listen just press "PLAY" ! 

Anri Sala

Anri Sala. Photo: Jutta Benzenberg.

Anri Sala. Photo: Jutta Benzenberg.

In this episode, the artist Anri Sala, Chantal Crousel and Niklas Svennung retrace a working relationship but also a friendship that began in the early 2000s, and that was prompted by the artist's very first works. More than a collaboration, it has been an accompaniment in the musical sense of the word, played as an improvisation, almost without a score.

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Tarek Atoui, Danh Vo

Tarek Atoui and Danh Vo. Photos: Matteo Bellomo; Nick Ash.

Tarek Atoui and Danh Vo. Photos: Matteo Bellomo; Nick Ash.

In this episode, Chantal Crousel and Niklas Svennung discuss with Tarek Atoui and Danh Vo, who had turned their respective invitations to show at the gallery into a collaboration that was unexpected yet completely organic. In the joyful atmosphere of the hours that preceded the opening of their exhibition, the two accomplices dwell on the importance of sustaining curiosity, humility, and the art of learning from others. Podcast in English.

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Oscar Tuazon

Oscar Tuazon. Photo: Max Farago.

Oscar Tuazon. Photo: Max Farago.

In this episode, Chantal Crousel and Niklas Svennung meet with Oscar Tuazon to discuss the projects undertaken by the Seattle-born artist not only within the gallery’s premises, but mostly outside, in woods, deserts, along rivers and on protest camps. Podcast in English.

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Thomas Hirschhorn

Thomas Hirschhorn. Photo: Enrique Munoz Garcia.

Thomas Hirschhorn. Photo: Enrique Munoz Garcia.

In this episode, Chantal Crousel and Niklas Svennung discuss with Swiss artist Thomas Hirschhorn, and the three of them remember in vivid details the scenes and the stakes of their first encounters, which lead to a richly storied collaboration that spans almost three decades now. Podcast in French.

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Rirkrit Tiravanija

Rirkrit Tiravanija. Photo: Pauline Assathiany — Galerie Chantal Crousel.

Rirkrit Tiravanija. Photo: Pauline Assathiany — Galerie Chantal Crousel.

In this episode, Chantal Crousel and Niklas Svennung meet with Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija, and together, they retrace the history of a collaboration which began 25 years ago, in the early nineties, around a cup of coffee, in NYC. For an hour, they discuss among things the crucial role of friendship, conversation and hospitality in the life of the artist, the lasting influence of Absalon, and jumping on boats to find inspiration for an exhibition. Podcast in English.

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