
Une volonté de faire

  • 2015
  • Edition Macula

  • Epuisé

"To write isn't difficult, but necessary". In the book Une volonté de faire, are gathered 38 texts written in French from 1990 to 2015 by the artist Thomas Hirschhorn: lettres, intention notes, project reports, personal reflections, funding applications, which can be read like an open window on his work development process. For Thomas Hirschhorn, text as a fundamental importance, in his work like in his daily life: if it is of course integrated to his works (through texts directly incorporated to his work or through books, brochures, flyers available for the visitors), text also aims to fixate his thinking on paper, a constantly evolving thinking. These texts display many ideas that define Thomas Hirschhorn. They show his will to engage in society, for a "non exclusive public", his need to write, his thirst for reading, his need to transmit, the relations between art and philosophy, litterature, politics and aesthetics. Sometimes, we can even notice a vocabulary referring to the art of war, art being a fight he leads, him, the "warrior with no uniform and no medal". 

Edited by Macula

Introduction et texts selection by Sally Bonn, philosophy of art teacher at the École supérieure d'art de Lorraine in Metz and at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. With the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques (help with the publishing) and the Leenards Foundation.

120 pages, 195 x 130 mm, soft cover

ISBN 978-2-86589-084-2

Une volonté de faire
