
Video game Sporal


Mimosa Echard, Sporal, 2022. Video game. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris.

Mimosa Echard, Sporal, 2022. video game. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris.

The video game Sporal is freely available online on Mac or PC. Mimosa Echard and her collaborators immerse us in a hybrid universe that can be explored further beyond the duration and the space of the exhibition Sporal , on view at the Palais de Tokyo. The exhibition is structured around the first video game by the artist, created in collaboration with developer Andréa Sardin and artist Aodhan Madden. The game invites visitors to explore the cavities of an organism in a perpetual state of transformation, inspired by the life cycle of the myxomycete. A character with an ambiguous identity makes their way through an ambiguous, dreamlike universe evolving with each encounter and in reaction to the mutating materials that surround them. With each enigma solved and each exchange of fluids, the character unlocks ‘sexual types’ like those released by myxomycetes, which can deploy up to 720 different kinds. Learn more 

