
Hito Steyerl - Ben Rivers - Wang Bing

2018-03-24 — 2018-05-27
EYE Filmmuseum - Amsterdam — Netherlands

The Eye Art & Film Prize rewards artists, filmmakers and artist-filmmakers working in the disputed space between cinema and the visual arts. In challenging the conventions separating one discipline from the other, this exhibition of the first three recipients of the prize – Wang Bing, Ben Rivers and Hito Steyerl – also undermines the boundaries between art and politics, documentary and fiction, the real world and the represented.

That it is possible to identify shared themes in the work of these artists – who have little in common beyond having been awarded the same prize – only illustrates how shared concerns about the world in which we live shape the most important art of our time. Chief among them is an anxiety about the transmission of truth, the insecurity of which lurks behind the work of all three. The Eye Filmmuseum presents a selection of their films and videos in its exhibition spaces, each work sympathetically installed in a room of its own.



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