Jean-Luc Moulène

Laurence Lorenzi

The book Laurence Lorenzi, Jean-Luc Moulène, published by Is-Land Edition, relates the series of photographs taken by Jean-Luc Moulène of his partner of ten years, Laurence Lorenzi (1956-2004).

"When in the United States in 2021, Jean-Luc Moulène addressed the question of his early works—as displaced objects, defined by the artist, and making history in retrospect—no particular piece, no inaugural image of his work came to mind. Instead, he thought of a person, Laurence Lorenzi. They met in Paris in 1975, each at the age of twenty.  […] From this relationship, Jean-Luc kept a series of photographs. These were the first photographs they took together, with Laurence as the only visible subject. In them, we can recognize Jean-Luc's style and many of the motifs that run through his body of work." — Charlotte Othman.

Edited by Is—Land Edition
Graphic design: Léna Araguas & Alaric Garnier
Bilingual (French/English)
144 pages 
Format : 20 x 26 cm
ISBN :  979-10-97544-01-0

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Jean-Luc Moulène
Laurence Lorenzi
