Mona Hatoum

Taking a stand — Käthe Kollwitz. With interventions by Mona Hatoum

Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
August 18th — November 12th, 2023

Mona Hatoum, Taking a stand — Käthe Kollwitz. With interventions by Mona Hatoum, exhibition view, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland (2023). Photo: Kunsthaus Zürich, Franca Candrian.

The exhibition Taking a Stand at Kunsthaus Zürich showcases the enduring relevance of artist Käthe Kollwitz (1867-1945) with interventions from Mona Hatoum.

Mona Hatoum and Käthe Kollwitz are two artists whose works address social hardship and conflicts. Hatoum creates sculptures and installations that offer a global perspective on social issues. Kollwitz's drawings, prints, and sculptures emphasize the misery and suffering of humanity, influenced by her experience of two global conflicts. 

The exhibition presents around 120 works by Kollwitz and five installations by Hatoum including 
Cellules2012-2013, Remains of the Day2016-2018, and Worry Beads2009.

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