Haegue Yang

Found Space

M+, Hong Kong, China
December 11th, 2021

Haegue Yang, Sonic Rescue Ropes, exhibition view, M+, Hong Kong, China (2021). Courtesy of the artist and M+, Hong Kong. Photo: Lok Cheng and Dan Leung.

On the occasion of the opening of M+, Haegue Yang presents Sonic Rescue Ropes (2021), a new installation composed by hanging chains of bells and rings. Their shiny visual effect and sublime, resonating sounds conjure shamanistic and pagan associations. Yang took inspiration from the traditional Korean folk tale Sister Sun and Brother Moon. It was commissioned by the museum for two of its spaces, and the first part was revealed to the public at its opening in November 2021. The second part will be presented in Spring 2022. 

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