The Game Room
This room evokes a "café" or club, where immigrants like to gather for the pleasure and/or the need of company, around a glass of tea, TV- watching, games, or lived experiences to tell.
The room offers various games (domino, cards, backgammon, mikado, etc.)
and various fruit juices. A bulletin-board invites to exchange services. Visitors can choose among the available videos and CD's.
By way of flyers displayed in the city, visitors are invited to bring sdomething they wish to show or to share with the others.

Cinéma de ville : "Palais de Tokyo, Paris"  
On a sunny day, Rirkrit Tiravanija has installed his tent on the esplanade of the Palais de Tokyo. Mattresses outside the tent invite us join and to watch the skaters all around. For a moment, a public spot in the city becomes a private meeting and exchanging place.

Once the sports competitions (or other shows) over, stadium architecture becomes meaningless. Without spectators, they are nothing but empty shells. The onlookers on the steps form a passive controlled mass. Each individual being completely directed by the spectacle in the center.  
In an evocation of this center, Rirkrit Tiravanija has chosedn to install a replica of the "Dom-Ino" project (1914-1915) by Le Corbusier.
The Dom-Ino project had been conceived by Le Crobusier in order to offer a fast, cheap and flexible pre-fabricated structure, easy to install in any kind of geography, to quickly re-construct agglomerations destroyed by war or other catastrophies.
In this wooden replica, H 4 m x W 4 m x L 8 m, Rirkrit Tiravanija invites the visitors to invest the 3 platforms of the habitat. Thus, the spectator becomes the inventor and the actor of his own environment, in interaction with his fellow visitors.  
The lower platform is equipped with a CD and cassette-player, a TV monitor, a kitchen corner with table and butagaz-cooker, a low table with poufs. The middle platform has mattresses. The visitors are invited to use the house as they wish, and to share what they bring or find with the others.
